Escape from ’85

Posted In Short Films

Escape from ’85 was originally going to be a straight 4-minute music video for South African artist, rapper, producer and DJ Spoek Mathambo. He was preparing an 80s mix album and got in touch to see if we could smash it ‘Space Harrier’ pixel style.

In the space of a month we designed and produced this unique 80s-themed music video that turns an 11-track Hip Hop album into a fully playable HTML5 game. We tried to squeeze in as many 80s references as possible including Madonna, Mr T, Doc Brown, Lionel Richie and Rambo – to name a few!



  • Director: Tom Jackson / RamJam
  • Developer: Chris Obritsch / RamJam
  • Digital Designer: Phil Hart / RamJam
  • Music: Spoek Mathambo


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