Fantasy Hospital


The elves, giants, dwarves and other wizarding doctors of “Fantasy Hospital” can cure any magical malady from Fairy Fever to Zombie Decay. But when it is declared that even the lowly humans must be saved, they seek help from the unlikeliest of worlds—ours.

“Fantasy Hospital” is an animated webseries currently in production at one-man-animation-studio, Dumper Entertainment.

The “Fantasy Hospital: Let’s Get Animated!” crowdsourcing campaign gave a preview of the fantasy world with a campaign video in which the live action creator (Justin Marchert) interacted with animated characters from the show: 
Perks included DVDs, shirts, personalized pictures, and the favorite perk among supporters – being featured in the “Fantasy Hospital: Holiday Special” at:
The crowdsourcing funded the show’s music (composer, musicians and studio space).
You can currently view its prequel project, “Fantasy Hospital: The Webcomic” at, as well as many other animations by Dumper Entertainment.



  • Creator/Animator: Justin Marchert
  • Cinematographer: Adam Lohnes
  • Composer: Benjamin Coria


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